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Paris Games Week 2011 : Tout sur Guild Wars 2 !

Posté : dim. 23 oct. 2011 20:21
par Torin
Salut à tous,

Ces derniers jours a lieu le Paris Game Week, un grand rassemblement créé à l'initiative du SELL: Syndicat des Éditeurs des Logiciels de Loisirs.

Je conseille à tout ceux qui le peuvent d'y aller. Pour ceux qui auraient raté la chose, j'ai pensé à filmer pour vous la conférence et la présentation de Guild Wars 2.

J'espère que mon mal de dos en vaudra la peine et que vous apprécierez:[/video]

La vidéo est bien sur disponible en HD et en plein écran sur youtube, cliquez plusieurs fois sur la vidéo pour qu'une nouvelle page s'ouvre.

Voici en prime la traduction en Français, mais aussi en Anglais des parties de cette vidéo qui sont inversement en Anglais et en Français.

It's for free, so enjoy and excuse my poor english (and my poor french too) :D

-------------ENGRISH part 1

00:19 "My name is Stéphane. I work At ArenaNet who produce Guild Wars 2 and we come with a cohort of developers. They are 7, 3 here and I will let them talk: Jeff Grubb, game designer who makes the story and create the world; (clapclapclap) Thank you; Ben Miller, game designer of battle system (clapclapclap); and finally Martin Kerstein, community lead and german community manager (clapclapclap). I let now Jeff talk.


00:58 Hello Paris. I'm Jeff Grubb et voilà tout le français que je connais. Donc excusez moi de parler en anglais et de passer le relais à Stéphane pour la démo in French. En 2005 nous avons lancé le premier Guild Wars. C'était une expérience de jeu de rôle en ligne très différente. C'était un jeu triple A (ndlt: qui a couté beaucoup et rapporté bien plus) qui ne comportait pas d'abonnement. Vous achetiez le jeu et vous y jouiez. Le jeu a eu un grand succès. Nous avons vendu 7 millions de copies des 4 jeux que nous avons fait dans l'univers de GW1.
01:43 Ces dernières années nous avons travaillé sur Guild Wars 2. Et l'an dernier nous avons commencé à le montrer à la Games Con et à la Paris Game Week.
En faisant GW2 nous regardons ce que nous aimons dans les MMOs, mais aussi dans les jeux en général, et ce que nous n'aimons pas dans les MMOs, en essayant d'améliorer ces parties.
02:11 Premièrement, nous voulions une expérience de combat visuelle. Nous voulons que les joueurs s'engagent dans le jeu et non dans des problèmes de gestion de compétences. Donc c'est un jeu de manoeuvres, de position, un jeu qui vous plonge dans l'écran.
02:28 La deuxième idée est un système d'évènements dynamiques. Nous avons un monde vivant et persistant. Alors que vous trouvez des mondes statiques dans les MMOs, notre monde est déjà en mouvement. Vous passez la colline et les centaures sont déjà en train d'attaquer le village, et si ils prennent le village les choses changent, les marchands ne sont plus disponibles et vous devez reprendre le village pour y avoir à nouveau accès. Nous avons créé ces énormes chaînes d'évènements afin de vous créer un monde très vivant et émouvant.
02:56 La troisième chose est une histoire personnelle. Quand vous créez un personnage on vous pose certaines questions à propos de votre passé et cela vous envoie dans une direction différente des autres joueurs. Cela permet bien sur une grande rejouabilité mais aussi vous donne l'impression que votre personnage et son passage dans ce monde est unique. Avec cela à l'esprit, je repasse le micro à Stéphane pour commencer la démo.

-----------------ENGRISH part 2

03:23 Merci Jeff, So, We will show you a little recorded demo of the game. You can see new stuff, that was not at Paris Game Week last year: last year we had 2 races 4 jobs, now we have all the 5 races and 7 jobs from 8 jobs in total. Last here you were not able to play this character, an azura guardian.
03:54 GW2 is 250 years after GW1. The world is threaten by ancestrals dragons and nature powers that's push all the races to form an alliance to fight them.
04:11 Hop! Our azura guardian (warder?) have a hammer. The weapon you carry give you the 5 first skills, you have a skill system at the low side of the screen that you use. You can see that a monster burns, it's one of the skill of the gardian. You don't need to know the skill effect because you see fire.
04:34 you have a visual game, with very fun combat, we want you to watch the screen and understand what's happening. You can appreciate that we have great artists with us. You can see some of them at our stand. And we put this art in the game to give you a pleasant trip into Tyria, Guild Wars 2 world. Every one who loves to explore virtual worlds will appreciate all the lands we create, the world is very huge.
05:02 Another thing with GW2, We try to rebuild all the rudiments of MMOs and games in general to make something new and fresh: everything that will happen are dynamics events.
05:19 One starts right now! An undead boat get out of the lake: Ashe's Horizon. He attacks the fortifications that's protect the nearby city. It's just happening in front of you! In other MMOs you have quests descibed by wall of text. In Guild Wars 2 you have dynamics events, there is not any quests. It's happenning in front of you, the attacks arrives and you decide or not to do something.
05:50 You can appreciate the visual battles. The gardian just put a protection zone, ball shapped, you can see it, you can see it's protecting him, if you're going inside, you will be protected too. The fight is fun, all the jobs have a huge amount of differents effects.
06:00 We see here a catapult. In Guild Wars 2, there a lot of activities, everybody can take part in the fight in differents ways. By killing undeads or by protecting catapults. There is a NPC engineer who die here, he can repair the destroyed catapults. So you have to resurrect him to rebuild destroyed catapults and everybody can resurrect dead, you do not need a special skill or job, it's easy
06:41 and it's happening here. He resurrect an NPC. So there is a lot of dynamic events like that, they make the world full of life, a lot of things happens in this events, and you can win or loose an event. In this case, you can destroy Ashe's Horizon by controlling the catapult. You can see that your skills have change to become catapult skill.
07:18 Et hop: you destroy Ashe's Horizon, the event is a victory, everybody who takes parts in the event win something: money, XP, Karma a special money to buy special stuff. There is not a sharing system of the rewards. Because we want a very collaborative MMO.
07:44 But the world do not stop here, there is an underwater world. The world is huge and you will see a lot of different things. You can see Ashe's Horizon sink. It will be rebuild by undeads underwater and be back later.
08:01 You can fight undeads underwater. The underwater fighting system is interesting too. It's different from ground battle. The "3D" is very important. You can send your ennemies up, sink them or take them back to the surface, by example with an air bubble, it's an elementalist skill. Here, the gardian sink a ennemy, to stop his moves, an attacks him more easily. The fight in Guild Wars 2 is fun, it's not a boring step, it's dynamic:
08:40 here you can see our azura gardian dodge. The position is very important. The skills effects are pleasant and really show you what's happening. You can see somebody attacks from the right. He throws missile. You don't have to know who he is, he just attacks and helps you. Now we go back to the surface and go explore an other part of the map.
09:00 I want to comment stuff we will not see now. There is an other demo (I will put the video as soon as possible ;) ) There is a personal story that's Jeff was talking about. At the character creation you have a lot of choice that will determine the kind of story you will live in the 80 levels that the game offers. Your choice will really count.
09:30 In the same way, I told you about dynamics events. You can win or fail them by choosing to do something or not. That will change the world. And in the same way you can choose what happen to you, what adventures you live and which path you will follow, as in human race for example when you have to choose between saving an orphanage or an hospital. That will count all along the game.
10:11 Here you are in an other place for the demo. We come with developers and with dragons. Last year we saw "Destructor", this year we are with "Tecoatl", the sunless dragon. It's a huge dragon, but it's not at all the biggest in guild wars 2. He is an old "lieutenant" (? do not understand what Stéphane says here) of Zaitan, the undead dragon. He have personnality this dragon.
10:47 And he just create a dynamic event that's starting, of course it's the attack of the dragon. It's a complex event. It's an advanced event. And it's happening a lot of thing: he just calls undead servants that will try to come closer and explode to make you a lot of damage. The gardian use all his skills.
11:12 Here the dragon spit pus, that scares the players, it's stinky! There is a lot of objectives on the battlefield because it's really a huge combat. As I said earlier, to take part on this event you do not need to be in group, you just have to be in the battlefield and to fight. We want you to be attracted by the team play, in Guild Wars 2 it's a good thing. That gives you a lot of possibilities.
11:44 Here the dragon put obstacles against the big weapons builded here by our race. This cannon is attacked by undeads so you have to protect them. You have to destroy bone walls, you have to resurrect NPCs who defend the cannon. You can use the cannons.
12:20 The dragon keep to spit pus and fight the heroes. We can see the strong visual identity of combats. You do what you have to do without taking care of the others.
12:34 here we take the control of a weapon. It throw electric attacks. You can shoot the dragon, or shoot the battlefield to help other players. Again, you are not in a group, but you play and fight with other players. It's an MMO, playing together is very important.
12:56 An other objective on the battlefield to beat Tecoatl dragon is this huge Azura laser that paralyze Tecoatl. When he is paralyzed, he does not attack and takes more damages. When the bone walls was here, the laser could not shoot. That why you had to destroy them. You take the control of an weapon, and shoot the dragon. And you go back to fight, undeads attacks. Those undeads are norns from the other race. They become bad because of the influence of the dragons.
13:45 There is a lot of races, it's a very advanced fantasy world, with magic, technology and a lot of stuff. And I will end by speaking a little of battle.
13:55 The gardian speciality is support. All jobs in Guild Wars 2 are not prisonners of they role. They can make damages, make support, control, everybody can heal. In the ten skills the sixth is always a heal skill, it's an obligation.
14:20 Here you can see our azura gardian on ground because his health points are at 0. And here you can go back to life if he kill an enemy. But here, another player saved him, so he can fight again. He run away and heal.
14:40 You can see at the top of his 5 first skills 3 other skills: his special skills. Gardian have 3 advantages: fire damage, protection from some attacks and a special heal. And when he push those buttons he loses his advantages to give it to the others around him. That's why he is specially good at support. Each jobs have specific mecanisms that advantages a sort of gameplay but in guild wars 2 you are not prisonner of this. As you can see, the gardian do not have his hammer anymore, he changes of weapon and his 5 first skills change too.
15:22 He has a "focus" and a little sword. So he changes his 5 first skills. With the hammer he can do more damage. Now he does less damages, but he can control. He can paralyze ennemies.
15:40 We continue to attack the dragon, you can see all characters on screen are players. We support this collaborative play but it's not an obligation. Naturally, you will always be in dynamics events, and you will collaborate with people. If everything works great, you will win those events and everybody will win somethings.
16:15 The dragon will die so I will finish. guild Wars 2 is not finish yet. There is not any subscription. You just have to buy the game and play. You're welcome at our stand, we will be there. Come to ask questions, tell us what you think. We are players, we want to make a fun game. Now people are very happy... Etc... Etc...
17:13 Here is the chest, you kill a dragon! You can jump, dive, dance, do a lot of thing. You cannot hear it here but we put a lot of voices. There is more than 60 movies recorded in voices you will be able to hear in the game.
17:37 We say Bye to our azura gardian. Thank you Thnak you Htkna you claclapclapclap! (gloogloogloo)

Re: Paris Game Week : Tout sur Guild Wars 2 !

Posté : lun. 24 oct. 2011 01:19
par Torin

Désolé! Je voulais diviser cette vidéo, faire des montages, mais la pertes de qualité étant flagrante, je vous la livre telle que je l'ai enregistré.

Sorry for this video. I thought I can arrange it but my video editor is too poor and damage the video. So you will see it as I record it.

I will make and english translation of the first part. I hope you will enjoy it. Please, excuse my poor english.
For the second part, you will have to juggle with your volume. :?[/video]

--------------------Engrish translation of the first part.

00:30 I'm Stéphane Lo Presti, I'm working at Arenanet studio, producer of Guild Wars 2, in Seattle USA. If you didn't notice we are 7 from the studio here. We all have this T-shirt. Do not hesitate to come to speak with us.
00:50 This is Guild Wars 2, 250 years after the first guild wars. I will explain a little what is this game. It's an online game, massively multi-player. In Guild Wars you only played humans. In Guild Wars 2 you can choose between 5 races. Chars, Humans, Norns, Azuras and Sylvaris. They're all playable this year at the Paris Game Week. Last year we only had two. There is 8 jobs, 7 are playable this year.
1:22 I will start this demo by creating a character. Everything shown on this screen is playable in the demo here. Go play it!
1:36 The character creation starts... There is 3 important things in the character creation. The first one is the personal story. When you create a character you create his story (background) that is unique, it's yours.
1:50 The first thing you do it's choose the look of your character. You take off the armor and you choose his body size. In guild wars 2, we have a fantastic artistic crew, you have a lot of choice. So your character have a lot of chances to be unique. There is 100s, 1000s of options: look, that will be like that when the game will be sold.
02:20 ... And there will be more option, more, and more. In the demo, humans are the ones with the more options in the playable demo. You can choose a lot of style. We make all the character look reasonably attractive. Not sexy but pleasant, to not have misshapen characters. But you have a lot of choices. You saw heads and hair cut.
02:48 Here we see options to choose the eyes shape, incline, aperture and a lot of options given to create something unique. Because in Guild Wars 2 you will play a lot of time, so you have to like your character. And you will maybe want to try new stuff, so we give you options and options. You can change nose, mouth, ears etc...
03:14 Now armor! There is a lot of armor. Because Guild Wars 2 world, Tyria, is attacked by dragons, so there is ferocious battles. You do not drink tea all the time. A lot of creatures do not want you healthy.
03:33 There is a cosmetic system where you can choose your colors with dye. Kristen Perry is an artist, she's here. At a sooner demo she said we had 400 different dye in the game. And they will look different on different armor, leather, cloth, metal etc... Same dye, but lightly different to fit the material of your armor.
04:00 The game is "clever", it helps you, so your first colors will be applicate on all your armors.
04:15 We go back, we make a Char. Now we will see the second part of the character's creation. When you create a character you choose is job, that will give you some skills. You can play 7 jobs here, there is 8 in total. Elementalist, warrior, ranger, necromancer, gardian, thief and engineer. With char you can see that they look very different. Chars are feline, very brutal who live for war: you can see it! The look say that.
04:49 The options are differents than humans. You can choose body size but fur too. You cannot change fur on human because they do not have fur (ndlt: color skin?), chars have it. It's a race where body is meaningful. You have hair cut and horns very different. We give to all the 5 races a rich cultural and visual identity. You will see in a few seconds, the chars have "coolness". We have one last year here, we do not bring him this year, he was busy. fighting or something. The chars have coolness!
05:28 They are not invisible, they are warriors, they do not care about glory, they want to win. Now we finish to customize our hero. We go to the second part of the creation: background.
05:42 In background, you choose the personnality and the history of your character. It's very important. Those choices have a impact on the game to determine what will happen for you in Tyria. Here you choose your legion. Chars are soldiers, they are organized, they have three big legions. And the lower level of this military organization is the troop. And this is more important for a char than family.
06:21 You are new in the troop and at this step of the creation of your character you choose which guy in the troop you want to be. And this will have an impact on what happen after. You can choose at the end of the background what important events are in your character history. You give him a name, you push the button and you see the video, you are ready to go in the world.
06:55 Watch the video, it's an illustration of the artistic side of the game. We have an artistic team at arenanet who does a fantastic job. And you can see their work in videos. And it's not finish here, because you will see their art in the game, in a unique visual style. It's a mature and advanced style.
07:36 Here the video present the context of what will happen. It says that chars are warriors who lived through different wars. One of those wars is explain in Guild Wars 1 where chars were fighting against humans. But something changes. It's in the first guild wars 2 novel, "the ghosts of ascalon": a peace treaty have been signed between humans and chars, that's why you can play them.
08:05 Chars build a lot of things. They have metallic cities. They are the first to use heavily metals. And look at this ball, it's a sculpture of Daniel Dociu, it's over there, he is the art director of arenanet, he build this, and you can see it in the game. This piece of art is one of the biggest building of chars capital, the dark citadel. You can see it in the game. Because we want a pleasant world, you will play a lot, so it's better to be beautyful!
08:47 Now your character is in the video, because Guild Wars 2 is your story. You will live this adventure, you are in the center of this adventure.
09:00 We start in a departure zone to learn how to interact with the world. You will start your story and learn the basics. At the start of this adventure of guild wars 2 you have to find your troop. You are not far from the dark citadel, the chars capital. And a guy tell you "your troop is over there!".
09:24 So you go! You use your weapon. A rifle! And I do not have to tell you it's a rifle, you can see it and when you use this rifle it's obvious that's a rifle. We see the char shooting with his gun.
09:40 In Guild Wars 2 you have ten skills you use to fight and interact. You start the game with one and more you use it, the second will appear. It's the same to the fifth skill. Those five skills is related to the weapon you carry. They change if you change of weapon.
10:03 The battle in guild wars 2 is fun, interesting, not boring. Battles is not a stuff put in the middle of the game like that, a thing you have to go through just because it's here. There is a visual identity of battles, you can see what's happening. You will see soon an epic fight, where you will collaborate with other players.
10:25 Here we move forward in your personnal history and you meet a centurion who will explain you what is happening. That your troop fight a human ghost group lead by the duke Baradin. So your mission, that you will accept, is to fight the duke Baradin to crush the ghosts attack.
10:51 This video, you cannot hear, it's in english here but in french in the game. It's a vocal exchange, because in guild wars 2 we want you to be concentrate on the game and not to read stuff. We record more than 60 movies in voices for the personal history. We want a audio-visual experience.
11:23 Now you are in the field, you see your troop fighting the ghosts. We cannot hear them here at Paris Game Week, too much noise, but they say that Duke Baradin is in the cave. So you go, as the good hero you are, in the cave to try to destroy the duke.
11:45 You see how the battle is dynamic. There always movement on screen. In Guild Wars 2 you can dodge. there is a lot of skills that require a specific position. You have to move! This battle system is not boring. The battle have a visual feeling, you concentrate on what you see, on spells casted, actions, on ennemies and on allies.
12:14 You are concentrate in the screen, you do not look at the skills descriptions. Here you are at the entrance of the last zone. You join a group of chars lead by a heroe, riplock (???). A mythical hero! And he is attacked by ghosts. Look how much you move in guild wars 2, the fight is not static, you do not just stay there. NPC moves too.
12:47 Here you send a net, it's the second skill of the engineer. The neet immobilizes ennemies. Like that, Reatlok (???) can kill them easily.
13:00 The duke is coming. His personal guard is dead so we try to kill the duke Baradin. And if you look well, i do not know if you can see it, but he was stun, and you can see an effect around his head like in a comic. You do not have to search a complicated icone, with a text.
13:28 The duke see the death comes, so he takes refuge in a statue behind. He is a ghost, he can do that, and he is angry! But who cares? He has heroes in front of him! You and Ritloc! (???) So you have to fight him. You are playing at Guild Wars 2 since 5 minutes and you are already in an epic battle! Our philosophy of the game is we do not want you to wait hours to have fun. You can see is hammer, he use it to smash his ennemies and push them, but he strikes the ceiling too to make stone rains on you.
14:13 You can dodge. You can see our char engineer dodge damages. We keep fighting. You saw here a character play with no-player-characters (NPC) but we support you to play with other players. You cannot see it here, we will see it in other demo, another day (watch video 1!)
14:40 In Guild wars 2, we want you to have fun with the other players. You do not need to be in a group to play together. This is a dynamic event. It's instead of quests. There is no quests in guild wars 2. Something happen, the duke is in a room, you fight or not. There is not a character waiting for you to tell you: "go do this". You go in the world, and you play in dynamics events.
15:07 Guild Wars 2 is a MMO without subscription. You just have to buy the game and you can play as long as you wish! I hope you will have fun. Now I will offer this plush to a guy (who do not film :-/ )

Go to 16:25 to see the interview of Ben Miller!

Re: Paris Game Week 2011 : Tout sur Guild Wars 2 !

Posté : lun. 24 oct. 2011 19:26
par Torin

Re: Paris Games Week 2011 : Tout sur Guild Wars 2 !

Posté : mar. 25 oct. 2011 21:04
par Torin
Continuons avec la présentation faite par Angel Mc Coy![/video]

Re: Paris Games Week 2011 : Tout sur Guild Wars 2 !

Posté : mer. 26 oct. 2011 00:57
par Torin
On continue avec des vidéos de gameplay!

Désolé si la vidéo tremble. Le mode anti-tremblement de ma caméra empire en réalité les tremblements... :oops:[/video][/video][/video][/video]

Re: Paris Games Week 2011 : Tout sur Guild Wars 2 !

Posté : mer. 26 oct. 2011 01:12
par Torin
Et voici la dernière vidéo de ce Paris Games Week 2011: un autre petit bonus!

Another last bonus![/video]